Terms & Condition

We maintain whatever authority is needed to change these Terms and Conditions whenever and we prescribe you to return to these Terms and Conditions routinely to guarantee that you are consistently completely mindful of our Terms and Conditions. Any progressions are taking effect right now after presenting on the site and proceeded with utilization of the site comprises your consent to all such Term and Conditions. Our organization may address blunders or errors and change or update data on this site whenever without notice, remembering for regard of costs and accessibility of things.

Neither we nor any outsiders give any guarantee or assurance with respect to the exactness, idealness, execution, culmination or appropriateness of the data and materials found or offered on this site for a specific reason. You recognize that such data and materials might contain mistakes or blunders and we explicitly avoid responsibility for any such mistakes or blunders to the furthest reaches allowed by law.

Unapproved utilization of this site might bring about a case for harms and additionally be a criminal offense. All costs recorded on this site are dependent upon affirmation. Our organization will inform you by email or through any telecom medium if the affirmed cost of a thing you have chosen varies from the cost recorded on the site or on your buy request.

Our organization will utilize financially sensible endeavors to convey things as fast as could really be expected and inside any time spans showed; nonetheless, our organization won't be liable for any deferrals in conveyance which are outside its ability to control. In case merchandise are not accessible or there is a postponement in conveyance our organization endeavors will advise its clients inside 05 work days.

We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time and we recommend you to revisit these Terms and Conditions every time you browse/purchase from our website/App. Any changes are effective immediately upon posting to the site. We reserve the right to change the price and availability of item at any time.

Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Security Policy:

The User thusly assents, communicates and concurs that he has perused and completely comprehends the Privacy Policy of our organization in regard of the Website. The client further assents that the terms and substance of such Privacy Policy are satisfactory to him.

Restricted User:

The User concurs and attempts not to figure out, change, duplicate, disseminate, send, show, perform, repeat, distribute, permit, make subordinate works from, move, or sell any data or programming acquired from the Website. Restricted generation and duplicating of the substance of the Website is allowed given that our organization’s name is expressed as the source and earlier composed consent of our organization is looked for. For the evacuation of uncertainty, it is explained that limitless or discount propagation, duplicating of the substance for business or non-business purposes and unjustifiable alteration of information and data inside the substance of the Website isn't allowed.

Client Conduct and Rules:

You concur and embrace to utilize the Website and the Service just to post and transfer messages and material that are legitimate. Via model, and not as a constraint, you concur and embrace that when utilizing a Service, you will not:

  • Defame, misuse, bother, tail, compromise or in any case disregard the lawful privileges of others;
  • Publish, post, transfer, circulate or disperse any improper, profane, disparaging, encroaching, vulgar, obscene or unlawful theme, name, material or data;
  • Upload documents that contain programming or other material secured by licensed innovation laws except if you own or control the rights thereto or have gotten every single fundamental assent;
  • Upload or circulate records that contain infections, adulterated documents, or some other comparable programming or projects that might harm the activity of the Website or another's PC;
  • Conduct or forward reviews, challenges, fraudulent business models or networking letters;
  • Download any record posted by another client of a Service that you know, or sensibly should know, can't be lawfully dispersed in such way;
  • Falsify or erase any creator attributions, legitimate or other appropriate notification or restrictive assignments or marks of the beginning or wellspring of programming or other material contained in a document that is transferred;
  • Violate any set of accepted rules or different rules, which might be pertinent for or to a specific Service;
  • Violate any appropriate laws or guidelines for the time being in power in or outside the country; and
  • Violate any of the agreements of this Agreement or some other agreements for the utilization of the Website contained somewhere else thus.

Client Warranty and Representation:

The client ensures, warrants, and guarantees that you are the proprietor of the substance which you submit or in any case approved to utilize the substance and that the substance doesn't encroach upon the property rights, licensed innovation rights or different privileges of others. You further warrant that as far as anyone is concerned, no activity, suit, continuing, or examination has been organized or compromised identifying with any substance, including brand name, trademark administration imprint, and copyright some time ago or as of now utilized by you regarding the Services delivered by Our organization .

Precision Not Guaranteed:

Our organization thusly disavows any assurances of precision regarding the completion and presence of the eventual outcome as requested by the client. The nature of any items, Services, data, or other material bought or acquired by you through the Website may not live up to your desires. Adjustments to specific parts of your request, for example, the product brand, size, shading and so on might be needed because of constraints brought about by accessibility of item distinction in size diagrams of individual brands and so forth in this occurrence you concur that our organization will send an endorsement demand by means of the email address which you submitted while putting in your request. On the off chance that you disagree with the mentioned change you hold the option to dismiss the mentioned creation change by answering to it inside 10 days of it being shipped off you. Our organization may re-demand that you acknowledge a creation adjustment one extra time if an elective strategy to send your product is accessible. On the off chance that you reject this second solicitation your request will be dropped and you will be completely discounted by means of your underlying strategy for installment.

Acknowledgment of User Agreement/Terms of Use

The utilization of the Website is offered to you adapted on your 'Acknowledgment' of the relative multitude of terms, conditions and notification contained in this User Agreement. Upon "Acknowledgment", this User Agreement will be powerful and restricting upon you alongside any corrections made by us at its sole circumspection and posted on the Website and you will not guarantee deficiency of this User Agreement only in light of the fact that this MOU is being finished up electronically. For the previously mentioned purposes, 'Acknowledgment' will mean your governmental policy regarding minorities in society in tapping on 'check box' and on the 'proceed with button' as given on the enrollment page or tapping on 'Purchase Now' button while executing as Guest User or any demonstration which mirrors your utilization of the Website or the administrations given by the Website or any such different activities that suggests your acknowledgment You thus further concur that this User Agreement is being closed and executed at New Delhi. Your utilization of the Website infers that you concur with the conditions of the User Agreement. In the event that you disagree or are not able to be limited by the agreements of this User Agreement and Rules and Policies as shown on the Website, kindly don't tap on the "check box " as well as on the "proceed" button or potentially "Purchase Now" fasten and don't look to acquire admittance to or in any case utilize the Website.

Electronic Communications

At the point when you visit the Website or send messages to us or give us your criticism, you are speaking with us electronically. You agree to get correspondences from us electronically. We will speak with you by email or by posting sees on this site. You concur that all arrangements, notification, exposures and different interchanges that we give to you electronically fulfill any lawful prerequisite that such correspondences be recorded as a hard copy.


Utilization of the Website is accessible just to people who can shape lawfully official agreements under Pakistan Contract Act, 1872. People who are "bumbling to contract" inside the significance of the Pakistan Contract Act, 1872 including minors, un-released insolvents and so on are not qualified to utilize the Website. In case you are a minor for example younger than 18 years, you will not enroll as an individual from the Website and will not sell, buy or bid for any things on the Website besides through your lawful gatekeeper or guardians who have enlisted as clients on the Website or can utilize the Website as Guest User. We maintain all authority to end your enrollment and decline to furnish you with admittance to the Website in case it is brought to our notification or then again in case it is found that you are younger than 18 years.

  • Business element enrollment: If you are enlisting as a business substance, you address that you are properly approved to acknowledge this User Agreement and you have the power to tie your business element to this User Agreement.
  • Visitor User: If you are executing as a Guest User, you will not be permitted to list/sell item or administrations on Website and there could be sure extra limitations on you as a Guest User for your buy and the other usefulness of the Website accessible to you. As a visitor client, purchaser won't be qualified for focuses and any remaining advantages that are not assignable to a non-enrolled client.

Record, Password, and Security

Any individual might get to the Website and the Products either by enlisting on the Website or utilizing the Website as a visitor. Nonetheless, a visitor client might not approach all segments of the Website including certain advantages/limited time offers, which will be saved distinctly with the end goal of enlisted Users, and which might change occasionally at the sole watchfulness of the Website.

On the off chance that you wish to enroll yourself with the Website, you will be needed to make a record by enlisting through your email account or by filling in the subtleties endorsed in the Website enrollment structure. You will then, at that point get a secret key and record assignment after finishing the Website's enlistment cycle.

You are answerable for keeping up with the classification of the secret key and account, and are completely liable for any exercises that happen under your secret phrase or record. You, as the User, forgo any cases against the Website for any misfortune and harm endured by you because of your inability to conform to the Terms and sensibly anticipated great practices in such manner.

You concur, bury alia, to:

  • Provide valid, precise, current and complete data about yourself as incited by Website's enrollment structure or given by you as Guest User (such data being the "Enlistment Data")
  • Maintain and instantly update the Registration Data to keep it valid, exact, current and complete consistently;
  • You should promptly inform us of any unapproved utilization of your secret key or account or some other penetrate of safety, and
  • ensure that you exit from your record toward the finish of every meeting.

On the off chance that any User gives any data that is false, bogus, not refreshed, and deficient or the Website has sensible grounds to accept that such data is false, bogus, not refreshed, inadequate, the Website will reserve the privilege to suspend or end the important User record and decline any current or future utilization of the Website (or any bit thereof).

The Website might be unavailable for such purposes as it might, at its sole caution consider significant, including yet not restricted to customary support. In any case, by no means will our organization be expected to take responsibility for any misfortunes or cases emerging out of such detachment to the Users and the Users explicitly defer any cases against us in such manner.

Clients of the Website might be needed to give certain individual data and explicitly license the Website from getting to and additionally gathering and holding such close to home data of the Users. Such arrangement or potentially assortment, stockpiling, maintenance, use and revelation of the individual data of the Users will be dependent upon the Website's protection strategy accessible at Privacy Policy.

You thus award us a non-selective, around the world, ceaseless, unalterable, eminence free, sub-licensable (through various levels) right to practice the copyright, exposure, and data set rights you have in Your data, in any media or medium presently known or created, delivered, imagined or utilized in future, concerning Your data.

Charges and Services

Enrollment on the Website is free. Stage doesn't charge any expense for perusing, offering and purchasing on the Website. Be that as it may, before you list a thing available to be purchased through the Website, you will be dependent upon such Platform expenses as referenced in the Platform Fee Policy ("Platform Fee"). You are prescribed to survey Platform Fee each time prior to posting anything available to be purchased on the Website. Stage maintains whatever authority is needed to change its Platform Fee as well as Platform Fee Policy now and again. Changes to the Platform Fee and Platform Fee Policy will be posted on the Website and such changes will consequently become taking effect right now after they are posted on the Website. Except if in any case expressed, all charges will be cited in Pakistani Rupees and be payable to the Platform inside such time as determined in the receipt.

You are answerable for paying all expenses related with the utilization of the Website and you consent to bear all material duties, charges, cases and so on imposed consequently.

The Website maintains whatever authority is needed to give a notice, for a brief time/endlessly suspend or end your participation of the Website and decline to give you admittance to all current and future utilization of the Website if there should be an occurrence of non-installment of expenses by you to the Company. The Company additionally maintains whatever authority is needed to make a lawful move if there should arise an occurrence of non-installment of expenses.

Product description/Manufacturer Warranty:
Orientsports.pk is an online portal for sales facilities wherein customers can buy products at a discounted rate. Orientsports.pk itself does not provide any warranty regarding the quality or performance of the products and held responsible for the same. The users understand and acknowledge that Orientsports.pk shall not be responsible for quality of products, replacement. Orientsports.pk shall not make any representation or Warranty as to the attributes (such as quality, value, marketability, etc.) of the products or services proposed to be sold or offered to be sold by the manufacturer/seller or purchased by the buyer.


Utilization of Website

You comprehend and concur that the Website only offer types of assistance to its Registered Users and people perusing/visiting the Website. All things publicized/recorded and the substance in that are promoted and recorded by or for Registered Users and are outsider substance. The Website likewise contains different outsider client produced content and material. The Website neither starts nor starts the transmission nor chooses the sender and collector of the transmission nor chooses nor adjusts the data contained in the transmission. We have no influence over the outsider client produced substance.